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Yumiba Sisters

We are the violinist (Takako and Yumiko) sisters who love music. Takako started playing the violin and piano when she was 3 years old. Then, Yumiko was influenced by her music. We started playing together and our first concert was when Takako was 7 and Yumiko was 5. We performed at the wedding of our father's friend. People were satisfied and enjoyed our performance. That was the beginning of our journey as violinists in Japan.


We studied music in Germany since the autumn of 2018. We were the scholar students of "Live Music Now". It's an incorporated association founded by Yehudi Menuhin, a great violinist who devoted himself to social contribution. 


Through this association, we visited hospitals and nursing homes to perform as a sister violin duo. These were the opportunities for those who cannot come to the concerts to hear them live. These activities gave us a chance to meet different kinds of people. These valuable experiences served as our inspiration to think about what kind of activities we would like to do in the future.


However, soon after the activity began, a pandemic struck the world. Germany was one of the countries severely affected by it. The lockdown was implemented for more than half a year. People had to stay home, and many concerts were cancelled. We thought about what kind of things we can do as violinists, and we started filming our music. Our concert video shared to more than 50 institutions through "Live Music Now" in April 2020.


In our activities as a violin duo, we have arranged various masterpieces for two violins, regardless of genre, and have performed them in our concerts. Since there were not many pieces for two violins, we began to compose our own music as well.


One of the greatest German composers Felix Mendelssohn once said, "Music fills one’s heart with a thousand things finer than any language."

We hope that through our violins it will give colors to the air of the moment. We are glad that you will enjoy our music.


Takako Yumiba

Yumiko Yumiba

私たちは東京藝術大学卒業後、クラシック音楽の本場で学びたいとの思いから、2018年秋よりドイツに留学して音楽を学びました。2020年には、社会貢献に尽力した偉大なヴァイオリニスト、ユーディ・メニューインが創設したLive Music Now社団法人の奨学生となったことをきっかけに、姉妹でヴァイオリンデュオとして病院や介護施設などを訪れ演奏活動を始めました。その活動を通じて、私たちは様々な方と出会い、それ以前の音楽活動では出会えなかったような、コンサートに足を運べない方々にも音楽を聴いていただく機会が増えていきました。


その後まもなくCovid-19が世界中で猛威を振るい、コンサートが次々と中止になってしまい、コロナ渦において音楽家に出来ることはほとんどありませんでした。その中でも何か私たちに出来ることはないかと考え、Live Music Now社団法人を通じて50以上の福祉施設に私たちのコンサートビデオを送ったところ、施設の方からは、「困難な日々の中に明るさと希望をもたらした」というお言葉をいただきました。







弓場 多香子

弓場 友美子

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Takako Yumiba

Takako Yumiba is a Japanese violinist. She started playing the piano when she was 3 years old and tried the violin six months later. She felt the music and her heart was captivated by the violin immensely. The sound of the violin inspired her to pursue her dream in the violin world. 


She graduated from the Tokyo University of the Arts. During her studies in Tokyo, she also learned baroque violin, chamber music, composition and improvisation. Then, she studied her master's degree at the Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover with Professor Elisabeth Kufferath and she received top marks for her master's degree. She recently finished her Konzertexamen Degree with honors at the Hochschule für Musik Detmold with Professor Maria-Elisabeth Lott. She also studied her master's degree at the Tokyo University of the Arts with Professor Natsumi Tamai.


She was a scholar student of DAAD (Der Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst) from August 2018 to March 2022. She also got a scholarship of Yehudi Menuhin Live Music Now e. V. Hannover as a Violin Duo.


She has recently performed as a soloist with orchestras such as Nordwestdeutsche Philharmonie (Germany), Philharmonisches Orchester Hagen (Germany), and the Karol Szymanowski Academic Symphony Orchestra (Poland), and Marburger Philharmonie (Germany). She also had many recitals and concerts at music festivals including the Orpheus Festival (Austria), the Oberstdorf Music Summer Festival (Germany), and the Goslar Music Festival (Germany). 

Particularly noteworthy is the Christmas Concert in Johannis Church (Hagen, Germany) with Philharmonisches Orchester Hagen in 2021. Her performance of “Thais” Méditation by Massenet and Valse-Scherzo by Tchaikovsky were well received.


She has received numerous awards in international competitions such as the Weinberg International Competition (Poland), the International Violin Competition Hammelburg (Germany), and the International Music Competition of Spain (Japan). She was selected as one of the participants of the 16th International Henryk Wieniawski Violin Competition. 



​弓場 多香子(ゆみば たかこ)

大分県別府市生まれ。幼少期を大阪で過ごし、小学生の頃に東京に移る。 3歳よりヴァイオリンとピアノを始め、6歳で初めて受けた「こどものためのヴァイオリンコンクール」で金賞受賞。中学生までピアノとヴァイオリンを続け、桐朋女子高等学校音楽科入学を機にヴァイオリンを専攻することを決める。その後東京藝術大学を経て、東京藝術大学大学院在学中にDAAD (ドイツ学術交流協会) 奨学生としてドイツへ留学し、研鑽を積む。ハノーファー音楽大学大学院を最優秀の成績で卒業し、デトモルト音楽大学で国家演奏家資格(コンチェルト エグザーメン) 課程を満場一致の満点で卒業、併せて優秀賞を授与される。これまでにヴァイオリンを玉井菜採、Maria-Elisabeth Lott 、Elisabeth Kufferathの各氏に、室内楽を市坪俊彦、梅村祐子、Oliver Wille の各氏に師事。

ソリストとしては、Philharmonisches Orchester Hagen (ドイツ)、Karol Szymanowski Academic Symphony Orchestra (ポーランド)、Marburger Philharmonie (ドイツ) 等のオーケストラと共演を果たしている。2021年にドイツのJohannis教会で行われたクリスマスコンサートではマスネ「タイスの瞑想曲」やチャイコフスキー「ワルツスケルツォ」をソリストとしてオーケストラと共演し、好評を博す。
また、オルフェウス音楽祭 (オーストリア)、ゴスラー音楽祭、オーバスドルフ音楽祭 (ドイツ) やリサイタル等、国内外で多数の演奏会に出演。

国際コンクールでは、ハンメルブルク・ヴァイオリン国際コンクール (ドイツ)、EUROASIA国際コンクール、スペイン国際音楽コンクール等で第2位受賞他、ヴァインベルク国際コンクール (ポーランド) でファイナリストとなり優秀賞 (ディプロマ) を授与される等、国内外で上位入賞多数。2022年には世界最難関の一つであるヴィエニャフスキー国際コンクール (ポーランド) にも出場した。

室内楽奏者としては、弦楽四重奏等多くのコンサートに出演。また、姉妹デュオではYEHUDI MENUHIN Live Music Now Hannover e. V.の奨学生として、ドイツハノーファーを中心に演奏活動を行った。2023年より東京春音楽祭や、アンサンブルofトウキョウ等のオーケストラの公演にも参加している。



Yumiko Yumiba

Yumiko Yumiba is a Japanese violinist. She spent her childhood in Osaka and moved to Tokyo with her family. She started playing the violin and piano at the age of 3. Her sister influenced her to love music because her sister is a violinist too. At the age of 15, she decided to pursue her career in music. Then, she studied at the Tokyo University of the Arts. During her journey of studies in Tokyo, she received the Dean’s scholarship and special awards for outstanding students of the year.

She finished the Artist Diploma at the Cleveland Institute of Music with Professor Ilya Kaler, as a recipient of the full scholarship, and Master and Konzertexamen (solo performance) at the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media with Professor Elisabeth Kufferath. She was awarded a scholarship from the “Yehudi Menuhin - Live Music Now” association in Hanover.

Yumiko has recently performed with the Varna Chamber Orchestra (Bulgaria), the Geidai Philharmonia Orchestra (Japan), Orchester Göttinger Musikfreunde (Germany), Toruń Symphony Orchestra (Poland), the Dolnośląska Philharmonic (Poland), and the Orchestra of the Opéra national de Lorraine (France).

She also had many recitals at the Music Festivals, including the Gdańsk Music Festival (Poland), the International Festival "Nova Music and Architecture" (Poland), and the International Music Festival Goslar-Harz (Germany).

As a chamber musician, she often has many concerts together with her sister (Takako Yumiba) as her Violin Duo. She has performed as Piano Trio and String Quartet as well.

Yumiko received many prizes at international violin competitions such as the Varna International Violin Competition, the International Karol Lipiński Violin Competition, and the Mirecourt International Violin Competition. She won many times and got first prize in domestic competitions in Japan.



​弓場 友美子(ゆみば ゆみこ)

大分県別府市生まれ。幼少期を大阪で過ごし、5歳より東京に移る。姉の影響で3歳よりヴァイオリンとピアノに親しみ、東京藝術大学附属音楽高等学校入学をきっかけに音楽を専門に学び始める。東京藝術大学在学時、成績優秀者に贈られる安宅賞、「宮田亮平奨学金」、同声会賞を受賞。 その後ドイツのハノーファー音楽演劇大学にてElisabeth Kufferath氏に師事。同大学の修士課程とソロパフォーマンスコースを修了し、ドイツ国家演奏家資格を取得。また、アメリカのクリーブランド音楽院に授業料全額免除の特待生として在籍し、Ilya Kaler氏に師事。アーティストディプロマを取得。在学中には同音楽院アカデミーの室内楽講師も務める。

ソリストとしては、藝大フィルハーモニア管弦楽団、ヴァルナ室内管弦楽団(ブルガリア)、トルン交響楽団(ポーランド)、ロレーヌ国立歌劇場管弦楽団(フランス)、ハノーファー音楽演劇大学オーケストラ、Göttinger Musikfreunde Orchestra(ドイツ)、CIMオーケストラ(アメリカ)等のオーケストラと共演。

室内楽奏者としては、ピアノトリオや弦楽四重奏等多くのコンサートに出演。また、姉妹デュオではドイツ留学中にYEHUDI MENUHIN Live Music Now Hannover e. V.の奨学生として、ドイツハノーファーを中心に演奏活動を行う。また、デュオの活動をきっかけに作曲や編曲も手がけている。




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